Policies & Forms » Discipline


Behavior Guidelines and Interventions


Our goal is for all students to develop healthy habits, positive relationships, academic skills, and self-discipline.  Teachers have classroom expectations.  VvHS has overall school/district behavior guidelines with a continuum of disciplinary actions depending on the severity of the behavior.  Every reasonable effort will be made to assist the student in correcting the inappropriate behavior before implementing more severe actions such as suspension or expulsion.

  • Teacher Warning
  • Parent contact
  • Referral to Principal
  • Classroom contract
  • Student/Parent/Teacher Meeting
  • Detention
  • Transfer
  • Suspension
  • Expulsion
  • A parent must meet with the Principal upon student’s return from suspension
  • 18 year old students, if contract is not met – transfer to HB Adult School

Classroom Expectations

All students receive a copy of Classroom Expectations from each of their teachers.  Teachers review classroom expectations and grading policies with their students; the student’s signature indicates their understanding and acceptance of the Classroom Expectations.  Students and parents may view classroom expectations on the Valley Vista website.  


VvHS Student Contract

The purpose of the regulations and policies on a school campus is to assure students the opportunity to learn in a safe and positive environment. The school policies established by Valley Vista High School apply while on campus, during lunch, while going to or from school, and during school sponsored activities. All VvHS students are on contract for academic achievement, attendance and appropriate behavior.  In addition, the 18 and older student has an appropriate contract as an adult student.   


A formal written notice from a staff member stating offense and interventions is sent to the Principal.  The Principal will schedule a meeting with the student.


A pre-arranged meeting with the parent, student and Principal or counselor that may include teachers.


Students may be assigned detention to be completed before or after school.  Students must obtain their own transportation.


Suspension is a temporary removal from the regular school program for violation of school rules. A student may be suspended for up to five (5) school days at a time.  Students are to stay home under parental supervision while on suspension.  School assignments are made available for the student to complete at home.  A meeting with the Principal or designee before returning to school is required.


Expulsion is the long-term removal of a student from attendance at any school in the District. A student selling drugs/controlled substances and/or committing any violent or harassing behavior of any kind, including but not limited to, threats and/or intimidation, possession of a controlled substance or sale of it, possession of any firearm, replica firearm, knife, explosive, or any other dangerous object may result in suspension, expulsion and/or arrest. The five mandatory expulsion offenses outlined in Education Code 48915 © (1-5): are:

  1. Possessing, selling, or furnishing a firearm
  2. Brandishing a knife at another person
  3. Unlawfully selling a specified controlled substance
  4. Committed or attempted to commit sexual assault or committed sexual battery
  5. Possession of an explosive

Behavior Guidelines and Interventions Continued...

Academic Honesty

Students must comply with the academic honesty policy. Each student is responsible for his/her own work. The students involved in the acts of academic dishonesty including the giver and the receiver will have consequences to their behavior. See Academic Honesty Policy for details.

Bathroom Usage and Breaks

Students are expected to use the restroom during breaks and lunch.  Daily requests to leave class to use the bathroom may result in parent notification and meeting to solve issues.

Cell Phones

  • Cell phones are not to be activated during class, unless otherwise directed by the teacher.  Habitual cell phone use in class could result in the cell phone being locked in the office during the school day.
  • Cell phones will be stored during state testing.
  • Unauthorized video and/or pictures of students/staff are not permitted.

Court Ordered Reports

Court-ordered reports need to be requested 4 days prior to court date or appointment with probation or courts. Parents requesting court-ordered reports need to call or email their son/daughter’s teachers one week prior to court date.  For attendance history, contact Attendance on extension 59426, and to request a transcript contact our Guidance Specialist, on extension 59431. 

Deliveries to students

In an effort to minimize classroom interruptions, all deliveries of gifts, flowers, and balloons will be held at the front desk until the end of the school day.  All deliveries of lunch must arrive at school in time for the student to pick up food during our scheduled lunch break.  Food delivered before the lunch break will stay in the office until lunch, and food delivered after the lunch break will remain in the office until the end of the school day.


Dress Code

Review the Dress Code and dress appropriately for the school environment.  Students who do not comply with the dress code will need to have appropriate attire brought to school by a parent or wear a VvHS loaner t-shirt.  Habitual offenders will meet with the Principal and disciplinary action will be taken. 

Hall Passes

Students must have a written hall pass from the teacher to go up to the office.

Harassment / Cyberbullying / Sexting

Harassment is the unwanted and unwelcome behavior from other students or staff members, which interferes with another individual’s life.  When it is sexual in nature, it is “sexual harassment.”  When it is racial in nature, it is a “hate motivated behavior” or sometimes called a “hate crime.”  Cyberbullying occurs when a student under 18 is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another under 18-year-old using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or cell phones.  Sexting is the sending of a picture of a nude and/or sexually suggestive photo and/or explicit text message to someone else primarily through cell phones.  The social danger with sexting is that the image can be sent to others and the originator has no control.   Harassment, cyberbullying and sexting are against school policies and disciplinary action will be taken.


Behavior Guidelines and Interventions Continued…

Illegal Drugs/Smoking/Vaping

Illegal drugs of any kind will not be tolerated!  Possession, sale and/or trafficking, or use of controlled substances, narcotics, paraphernalia, or alcohol will result in immediate suspension, parent conference, or arrest, and possible recommendation for expulsion from the District.  Smoking (or possession) of tobacco products, lighters, matches, nicotine delivery devices, electronic cigarettes, etc., is prohibited at school, in the perimeter, in the parking lots at VvHS and church, on the sidewalk in front of the school, in and around campus, on the bus, and at all school sponsored events and activities.  Any of these items in these areas will lead to confiscation of the items.  They will not be returned.  Consequences will be parent contact and repeated offenses may lead to suspension and possible citation.


Loitering / Closed Campus

As used in this section, “loiter” means to delay, linger, or to idle about any school or public place without a lawful purpose for being present.  We ask students not to loiter at FVHS, residences and the adjacent church parking lot. Students arriving for school, regardless of how much time is left before classes start, are expected to come inside the quad area.  Students are expected to leave campus immediately after they are excused from class at the end of their day.  No lunch passes are issued.


Out of Class

Excessive trips to the restroom or office will result in a call by the Principal to parents. A student who is out of class jeopardizes his/her opportunity to earn credits.

Probation Officer

Parents are to inform Valley Vista High School of the name of their student’s probation officer and their terms of probation.  The Probation Officer checks on students at VvHS.


To ensure safety on campus for students and staff, searches from the appropriate school personnel will be conducted for drugs, weapons and other dangerous items.  Students who leave campus upon arrival and then return are subject to search. Other prohibited items include any item determined to be dangerous, inappropriate, or distracting to learning will be confiscated.  Examples of such objects are vapes, cigarette lighters, matches, etching tools, spray paint/tips, and toys that look like weapons.


Students bringing skateboards to school do so at their own risk.  The school is not responsible for any loss or damage.  Check skateboard in the office; there is no riding on the campus.

Student Parking Lot

Students who drive a motor vehicle to school may park in the designated student lot with a student-parking permit (see School Policies section for regulations information).  Parking in the adjacent church parking lot is by permit only.  Cars in the church lot will be ticketed without the proper permit. Contact Mrs. Schiavone, school secretary, at x59402 to purchase a pass for $20 cash.


This is a closed campus.  Students may not bring friends or relatives who are not students at Valley Vista to school. All VvHS students are considered to be trespassing at other HBUHSD sites/campuses unless prior permission has been granted by the administration to the student to be at that site at a specified time for a specified purpose.


Parents are encouraged to visit VvHS.  Please contact the Principal’s secretary at x59402 24 hours prior to the desired visit.  All visitors are required to sign in and obtain a pass to be openly displayed.  Friends and relatives will not be allowed to visit during the school day.