Policies & Forms » Ethics/Academic Honesty

Ethics/Academic Honesty



Valley Vista High School promotes ethical and moral behavior for all students. Each student is responsible for his/her own work and actions. Grades given to a student by a Valley Vista High School instructor must reflect the individual student’s efforts, knowledge of the subject, and skill level. Valley Vista High School is committed to maintaining an environment of academic honesty and does not want honest students put at a competitive disadvantage.


At Valley Vista High School, students complete assignments in class and as homework. Each student must do his/her own work. It is the student’s responsibility to follow the written as well as the oral directions given by the teacher for each assignment. Students are expected to notify their teacher, counselor, or Principal of suspected acts of academic dishonesty.


Examples of Academic Dishonesty:

  • Copying or accepting answers from another student or giving answers to another student.
  • Utilizing technology or other materials in unauthorized ways on academic assignments and exams.
  • Examining, taking, or destroying another student’s completed assignment, either before or after it is graded.
  • Using materials not allowed by the teacher before, during, and after class assignment or test.
  • Using online resources to cheat on online assignments.
  • Changing, altering, or fabricating a grade or score.
  • Turning in written work not in the student’s own handwriting.
  • Completing online assignments for another student, or arranging to have another student complete online assignments.
  • Committing plagiarism – taking ideas or writing from another person and offering them as your own without giving the author credit for the work, including information obtained through the internet. 
  • Theft or unauthorized access to an exam or other assignment.
  • Stealing, tampering with, or damaging school computers, files, materials, or any other school property.


Incidents of academic dishonesty are reported to the parents/guardians and the Principal. The students involved in the acts of academic dishonesty will have consequences to their behavior. These could include the teacher assigning a lower grade or zero to an assignment, a parent/guardian conference, removal from the class and change in schedule or program, community service, referral, detention, suspension, remediation strategies, denial of participation in student activities, including special senior activities, or transfer to another school, all as determined by the Principal.