Student Contract
Failure to adhere to the following condition(s) including referrals from teachers/staff will result in a conference to determine appropriate consequences, including transfer to a more appropriate alternative educational setting, or modification of this contract.
STUDENT – I agree to:
- Earn required credits in every class. I understand that students who are habitually absent from class or non-productive may not earn the required credits for that class. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate with the teacher and submit assignments for an excused absence.
- Follow my teacher's classroom expectations.
- Attend school every day and be on time for all classes. Provide court documentation if I need to appear in court or meet with probation. If I have excessive absences for more than three days I will provide a doctor’s note upon return.
- Follow the rules and guidelines for Valley Vista High School and Huntington Beach Union High School District. Refer to the VVHS Student/Parent Handbook.
- Demonstrate positive and appropriate behavior in class, on campus, and at all school sponsored events. Seek a positive solution to any issues that interfere with my academic achievement and/or affect other students.
PARENT/GUARDIAN – I/We agree to:
- Know how many credits my child has completed and needs to complete for graduation.
- Contact the teachers, counselor, or Principal via email or by telephone (leave message with office staff for a return call) to stay informed about my child’s academic progress.
- Provide a quiet environment at home for my child to complete homework, as needed.
- Participate in scheduled meetings with school personnel to review attendance, academic, and behavior concerns. Attend the required follow-up meeting with the Principal upon my student’s return from suspension.
- Keep all emergency contact information current.
- Come to the office to pick up my child or make arrangements with another adult listed on the emergency card when my child needs to leave campus during the school day as a result of a scheduled appointment or suspension, illness, cool down, etc.
- Supervise my child’s clothing/accessories choices to ensure the dress code is followed. For a dress code violation, I may need to make arrangements for a change of clothes to be brought to VVHS.