Counseling Corner
Students may seek counseling by requesting to meet with Mrs. Maciel or Mrs. Lopez
School Psychologist, Mrs. Lorena Maciel, ext. 59480
I.E.P. Meetings (Individual Educational Plan)
- Provide individual educational plan meetings for students and their families receiving special education services. Meetings are for triennial evaluation and/or as needed to review issues pertinent to the student's success.
School – Based Counseling
- Provide as indicated in the IEP counseling to students receiving special education services. Counseling may be needed to respond to a crisis, designated instructional services, or request from a parent, teacher, or self-referral.
Crisis/Individual/Group Counseling
- Opportunity for students to participate in individual and/or small group counseling. Sessions are short-term and designed to provide student with skills to be successful at home, school or in the community.
- Through referrals, conferences, or requests from parents, students who are not responding to interventions may be assessed for special education services.
- Work with students, their parents, teachers and other staff to establish level of resources/services for the student.
- Small focus groups on campus address issues related to drug & alcohol use, anger management, stress reduction, and parenting teens.
- Determine appropriate referrals and review services as necessary.
Counselor, Mrs. Trina Lopez, ext. 4470
- Provide academic advisement including review of the student academic history including the Credit Status Sheet and academic plan to meet high school graduation requirements.
- Assist students in developing personal “SMART GOALS” and calendar of due dates for credit acquisition.
- Review CHSPE (California High School Proficiency Exam) option.
- Organize annual College/Career Fair in October.
- Provide information on post-secondary education and training, including college and vocational programs.
- Conduct informational seminars and arrange for guest speakers and field trips for college and career exploration.
- Arrange on site Freshman Priority Test for local community colleges given at VvHS. Provide workshops on community college registration and financial aid.
- Meet with students for work experience credits.
- Advise students/parents about scholarship opportunities.
Transfers to an adult school
- Facilitate transfers to adult school for 18 year old students who are credit deficient and will not earn the VvHS high school diploma.
- Schedule students for the SBAC.
ROP (Regional Occupational Program)
- A variety of career/preparation classes are offered at various sites throughout our district and surrounding districts. The ROP representative is on our campus once a week.
Student/Parent Conference
Our Counselor may arrange a collaborative meeting to share information and develop additional interventions to support the student's academic, attendance and behavioral success at school. The student and their parent/guardian, student support personnel, teachers and Principal meet to review current status and determine a plan for future student success.